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Version: 2.1.x

Slicer Configuration


RatOS comes with START_PRINT and END_PRINT macros that you can call directly from your slicers. This way the printer knows how to start a print, and you can there easily switch between slicers without worrying if you changed anything in another slicer. The g-code for these macros are found in config/RatOS/macros.cfg

Disable any "advanced extruder pressure" settings

Some slicers advertise an "advanced extruder pressure" capability. It is recommended to keep these options disabled when using Klipper as they are likely to result in poor quality prints. Consider using Klipper's pressure advance instead.

Specifically, these slicer settings can instruct the firmware to make wild changes to the extrusion rate in the hope that the firmware will approximate those requests and the printer will roughly obtain a desirable extruder pressure. Klipper, however, utilizes precise kinematic calculations and timing. When Klipper is commanded to make significant changes to the extrusion rate it will plan out the corresponding changes to velocity, acceleration, and extruder movement - which is not the slicer's intent. The slicer may even command excessive extrusion rates to the point that it triggers Klipper's maximum extrusion cross-section check.

In contrast, it is okay (and often helpful) to use a slicer's "retract" setting, "wipe" setting, and/or "wipe on retract" setting.

Prusa Slicer

Prusa Slicer comes with full IDEX support and is the recommended slicer for all RatRig printers.


You should be using "Klipper" as the gcode flavor and have the "Use relative E distances" box checked in Printer Settings -> General -> Advanced.


This is the ONLY gcode you need, delete everything else. Copy paste the following as is. Make sure the box labeled "Emit temperature commands automatically" is unchecked under "Start G-Code options".


  • Select Klipper in Printer Settings -> General -> Firmware -> G-code Flavor
  • Enable Use relative E distances in Printer Settings -> General -> Advanced
  • Disable Arc fitting in Print Settings -> Advanced -> Slicing

Additional IDEX Configuration

  • Select 2 in Printer Settings -> General -> Capabilities -> Extruder
  • Disable Single Extruder Multi Material in Printer Settings -> General -> Capabilities

GCode Settings

Start GCode for single toolhead printers


Make sure the box labeled "Emit temperature commands automatically" is unchecked under "Start G-Code options".

START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={first_layer_temperature[0]} EXTRUDER_OTHER_LAYER_TEMP={temperature[0]} BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] START_CHAMBER_TEMP=[chamber_temperature] CHAMBER_TEMP=[chamber_temperature] TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT={total_layer_count} X0={first_layer_print_min[0]} Y0={first_layer_print_min[1]} X1={first_layer_print_max[0]} Y1={first_layer_print_max[1]}

Start GCode for IDEX printers


Make sure the box labeled "Emit temperature commands automatically" is unchecked under "Start G-Code options".

START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={first_layer_temperature[0]},{first_layer_temperature[1]} EXTRUDER_OTHER_LAYER_TEMP={temperature[0]},{temperature[1]} BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] START_CHAMBER_TEMP=[chamber_temperature] CHAMBER_TEMP=[chamber_temperature] INITIAL_TOOL={initial_tool} TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT={total_layer_count} X0={first_layer_print_min[0]} Y0={first_layer_print_min[1]} X1={first_layer_print_max[0]} Y1={first_layer_print_max[1]}

End GCode


Before layer change GCode


After layer change GCode

G92 E0
_ON_LAYER_CHANGE LAYER={layer_num + 1}

Tool change GCode for IDEX printers


Between objects GCode

G92 E0

Start filament GCode

; Filament gcode

Pause GCode


Super Slicer

Super Slicer supports IDEX printers, but it is not recommended to use.


You should be using "Klipper" as the gcode flavor and have the "Only custom Start G-Code" box checked in Printer Settings -> Custom G-Code and "Use relative E distances" box checked in Printer Settings -> General -> Advanced.


This is the ONLY gcode you need, delete everything else. Copy paste the following as is.


  • Select Klipper in Printer Settings -> General -> Firmware -> G-code Flavor
  • Enable Use relative E distances in Printer Settings -> General -> Advanced
  • Enable Only custom Start G-Code in Printer Settings -> Custom G-Code
  • Disable Arc fitting in Printer Settings -> General -> Firmware

Additional IDEX Configuration

  • Select 2 in Printer Settings -> General -> Capabilities -> Extruder
  • Disable Single Extruder Multi Material in Printer Settings -> General -> Capabilities

GCode Settings

Start GCode for single toolhead printers

SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO="RatOS" variable="relative_extrusion" VALUE="True"
START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={first_layer_temperature[0]} EXTRUDER_OTHER_LAYER_TEMP={temperature[0]} BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] CHAMBER_TEMP=[chamber_temperature] TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT={total_layer_count} X0={first_layer_print_min[0]} Y0={first_layer_print_min[1]} X1={first_layer_print_max[0]} Y1={first_layer_print_max[1]}

Start GCode for IDEX printers

SET_GCODE_VARIABLE MACRO="RatOS" variable="relative_extrusion" VALUE="True"
START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={first_layer_temperature[0]},{first_layer_temperature[1]} EXTRUDER_OTHER_LAYER_TEMP={temperature[0]},{temperature[1]} BED_TEMP=[first_layer_bed_temperature] START_CHAMBER_TEMP=[chamber_minimal_temperature] CHAMBER_TEMP=[chamber_temperature] INITIAL_TOOL={initial_tool} TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT={total_layer_count} X0={first_layer_print_min[0]} Y0={first_layer_print_min[1]} X1={first_layer_print_max[0]} Y1={first_layer_print_max[1]}

End GCode


Before layer change GCode


After layer change GCode

G92 E0
_ON_LAYER_CHANGE LAYER={layer_num + 1}

Tool change GCode for IDEX printers


Between objects GCode

G92 E0

Start filament GCode

; Filament gcode

Pause GCode


Orca Slicer

Orca Slicer supports IDEX printers, but it is not recommended to use.


You should be using "Klipper" as the gcode flavor and have the "Use relative E distances" box checked in in Printer Settings -> Advance.


This is the ONLY gcode you need, delete everything else. Copy paste the following as is.


  • Select Klipper in Printer Settings -> Advanced -> G-code Flavor
  • Enable Use relative E distances in Printer Settings -> Advanced
  • Disable Arc fitting in Quality -> Precision

Additional IDEX Configuration

  • Add a secondary Filament in Main UI -> Filament

GCode Settings

Start GCode for single toolhead printers

START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={first_layer_temperature[0]} EXTRUDER_OTHER_LAYER_TEMP={nozzle_temperature[0]} BED_TEMP=[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] CHAMBER_TEMP={overall_chamber_temperature} TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT={total_layer_count} X0={adaptive_bed_mesh_min[0]} Y0={adaptive_bed_mesh_min[1]} X1={adaptive_bed_mesh_max[0]} Y1={adaptive_bed_mesh_max[1]}

Start GCode for IDEX printers

START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={first_layer_temperature[0]},{first_layer_temperature[1]} EXTRUDER_OTHER_LAYER_TEMP={nozzle_temperature[0]},{nozzle_temperature[1]} BED_TEMP=[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] CHAMBER_TEMP={overall_chamber_temperature} INITIAL_TOOL={initial_tool} TOTAL_LAYER_COUNT={total_layer_count} X0={adaptive_bed_mesh_min[0]} Y0={adaptive_bed_mesh_min[1]} X1={adaptive_bed_mesh_max[0]} Y1={adaptive_bed_mesh_max[1]}

End GCode


Before layer change GCode


Layer change GCode

G92 E0
_ON_LAYER_CHANGE LAYER={layer_num + 1}

Change filament GCode for IDEX printers


Printing by object GCode

G92 E0

Filament start GCode

; Filament gcode

Pause GCode



Cura does not support RatRig IDEX printers.


This is the ONLY gcode you need, delete everything else. Copy paste the following as is.


The "coasting" feature is likely to result in poor quality prints with Klipper. Consider using Klipper's pressure advance instead.

Specifically, if the slicer dramatically changes the extrusion rate between moves then Klipper will perform deceleration and acceleration between moves. This is likely to make blobbing worse, not better.

In contrast, it is okay (and often helpful) to use a slicer's "retract" setting, "wipe" setting, and/or "wipe on retract" setting.

Machine start gcode

START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0} BED_TEMP={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} X0=%MINX% Y0=%MINY% X1=%MAXX% Y1=%MAXY%

machine end gcode


To make adaptive meshing work with Cura you need to install a post processing plugin

  1. in cura open menu Help -> Show configuration folder
  2. Copy the following and save it as in the scripts folder
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Original Version from
# Modified version from
# thank you frankbags and kmarty!
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import re #To perform the search and replace.

from ..Script import Script

class MeshPrintSize(Script):

def getSettingDataString(self):
return """{
"name": "Mesh Print Size",
"key": "MeshPrintSize",
"metadata": {},
"version": 2,

def execute(self, data):
minMaxXY = {'MINX':0,'MINY':0,'MAXX':0,'MAXY':0}
re_pattern = re.compile(r'%(' + r'|'.join(minMaxXY.keys()) + r')%')
minmax_counter = len(minMaxXY)

for i in range(len(data)):
# in Cura "layer' != "line" :-(
for k,v in minMaxXY.items():
if minmax_counter:
result =';' + k + r':\s*(\d*\.\d+|\d+)', data[i])
if result:
minMaxXY[k] =
minmax_counter -= 1
data[i] = re.sub(r'%' + k + r'%', v, data[i])

return data
  1. restart cura
  2. in cura open menu Extensions -> Post processing -> Modify G-Code and select Mesh Print Size

Simplify 3D V5

Simplify 3D does not support RatRig IDEX printers.


This is the ONLY gcode you need, delete everything else. Copy paste the following as is.

Start GCode

START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP=[extruder0_temperature] BED_TEMP=[bed0_temperature] X0=[build_min_x] Y0=[build_min_y] X1=[build_max_x] Y1=[build_max_y]

End GCode



IdeaMaker does not support RatRig IDEX printers.


This is the ONLY gcode you need, delete everything else. Copy paste the following as is.

Start GCode

START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={temperature_extruder1} BED_TEMP={temperature_heatbed} X0={print_pos_min_x} Y0={print_pos_min_y} X1={print_pos_max_x} Y1={print_pos_max_y}

End GCode


IdeaMaker will complain there's no heating commands, you can safely ignore this.

Slicer thumbnails

See the Mainsail documentation: G-Code Thumbnails in Mainsail