Realtime Analysis Tool
This is preliminary documentation for the upcoming v2.1.0 release. The work is still ongoing and the documentation is not yet complete.
The Realtime Analysis Tool is a tool that allows you to analyze the resonance of your printer in realtime. You can select the supported accelerometers in the dropdown menu in the top left corner of the analysis tool.
Toolhead Oscillator
The Toolhead Oscillator can be started by clicking Stream
-> Start Stream
in the toolbar, and then selecting an axis and oscillation frequency in Tools
-> Toolhead Oscillator
. You can use this to find resonance and vibration problems of your printer by provoking problematic resonance frequencies, then physically touch suspected parts of the printer to see if the amplitude of the problematic peak in the live PSD graph changes.
Custom Power Spectral Density Graph Macros
You can use the Real-time Analysis Tool to create your own custom analysis macros. This will provide some extra features such as peak matching, mechanical health analysis, shaper fitting and more. To create a new macro select Macros
-> New Macro
in the toolbar.
The run it from the Macros
tab in the real time tool.
If you omit the second recording sequence, you'll instead get input shaper analysis of the recorded axis.
All previous recordings can be viewed in historical context in the Macro Overview